Sunday, October 31, 2010

**Really Great Prize**

Ok, so the cat is now out of the bag! I advertised tonight by putting a sign up in our yard, lit up by a spotlight we use for Christmas yard decorations. I also passed out small fliers to trick-or-treaters. Though I know most people who check this blog out will not be from my neighborhood, I felt it was now time to reveal what the prize will be.

The "really great" prize that we will be raffling off is a brand new Apple iPad! The raffle for the iPad starts November 1, 2010!

The way to enter in the raffle will be to donate via "Chip In" on this blog. There are 3 different "Chip Ins" on my blog. This is because the raffle is raising money for all 3 of Reece's Rainbow's older child adoption grant funds. You will have to choose which one you want your money going to. There is one fund for the older boys with Downs Syndrome (DS), one for the older girls with DS, and then a combined grant fund for the older "Other Angels" (children with varying special needs other than DS).

After you choose which grant fund you want your donation to go to, all you need to do is click to donate on that specific "Chip In" and it will send the funds (you choose the amount) directly to Reece's Rainbow.

After you donate, you need to tell me (by leaving a comment on my blog or emailing me at to let me know you donated. You need to leave your name, which grant fund you donated to (DS boys, DS girls, or Other Angels) and how many times you get to be entered into the raffle drawing. You get 1 entry for every $5 you donate.

So for example, if Jim John wants to donate $20 to the older DS boys grant fund, he would click the donate button on the "chip in" for the older DS boys. He would fill out that he wants to donate $20 by clicking the Chip In for the older DS Boys. Then he would go back and leave a comment on this blog and say "Jim John, DS boys (4)". That way Jim John would be entered in the raffle 4 times. On December 1st he would go back and check this blog to see if he won. The way he would know he won would be that he would see his name on the blog saying he is the winner of the iPad.

Be sure you contact me to let me know how many entries you will get. This way every $5 donated gives you 1 entry in the raffle. I will be sure to check and make sure every entry is accompanied by a $5 donation through "chip in" and that the winner actually did donate the amount they told me they did. I want everyone to know that everything is fair in this raffle.

Wouldn't it be really sweet to be the winner of the iPad!? It will be shipped out ASAP to you so that it will have plenty of time to be delivered before Christmas. It would be one awesome Christmas present! The only thing that would top that is knowing you had a hand in saving a life of a little child with special needs!

God can use even our smallest offerings in big ways! Remember what He did with the fish and bread? He took that small offering and turned around and fed five thousand men (not to mention the women and children that were fed as well).

Matthew 14

17"We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish," they answered.

18"Bring them here to me," he said. 19And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. 20They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.

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