Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
We are raffling off a brand new iPad to raise money to help save these children. Every cent you donate goes directly to Reece's Rainbow and into one of the three Older Child Adoption Grants for these kiddos. Donate by clicking on a Chip In on this blog. You can choose to donate to the "Older Boys with DS (Down Syndrome)" grant, the "Older Girls with DS" grant, or the "Older Other Angels" grant which is the grant for children with special needs other than DS. Every child deserves to grow up in a loving family of their very own. No child deserves to be tied to a crib for the rest of their lives. Please donate today!
The last day to donate is November 30th. The drawing for the iPad will be on December 1st.
All of these children qualify for the older child adoption grants on Reece's Rainbow.
Sasha (Older Boy with DS) | |
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Boy, Born March 13, 2004
Sasha is a precious little gift from God. He is 6 years old, but is not able to do much of anything right now. He is very much still a baby. He may have CP as well, but is considered severely delayed. He does a lot of rocking…in his crib, in his stroller…to keep himself occupied. He has teeth marks in his tongue from chewing on it from boredom. We do not know if he truly has autism, or he is just so severely impacted by the CP or other birth trauma that the caregivers can’t really do much with him, and he turns to himself to soothe.
Sasha desperately needs a loving family, and experienced, patient family who can celebrate every step of progress as a miracle of God! I can’t wait to see the person he becomes when he has a family to love him and encourage him. He will surely remain bedridden for life if he is sent away, and he is facing that soon.
Please save Sasha!
Liliana (Older Girl with DS) | |
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Girl, Born November 25, 2000
Main diagnosis: Down Syndrome; Lagging behind in her neuro-psychical development; The photo is
old but I am requested an updated one;
Full medical info available.
Ozzie (Older Other Angel) | |
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Boy, DOB: July 03, 2004
Main diagnosis: clinically healthy and in good general condition with neuropsychological delays.
Ozzie just turned 6 years old and is doing very well. He is physically healthy and does not have any physical delays. Despite initial delays in motor skills, he can now walk, run, climb and jump. He was born with hydrocephaly but it is not currently developing.
Ozzie does have developmental delays, most of which are a result of living in an orphanage his entire life. He was just tested in June 2o10 and psychological testing indicates that he has borderline mild mental delays. However, test scores from 2009 and 2010 show significant improvements in scores.
Ozzie can count to 10 independently, has speech skills appropriate for his age, understands everything that is said to him and follows verbal directions. He can name all of his body parts, sing along with songs and participates in games with other children. He undresses himself independently and is learning to dress himself, eats independently and is potty trained.
Berkeley (Older Other Angel) | |
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Girl, Born October 22, 2003
What a stunning, happy little girl! Berkeley has long blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. She was born with clubbed feet, but is able to walk holding on to a fence or hands or the wall. She is very determined and tries to do everything on her own. Surgery and therapy could change this little girl’s life!
Berkeley does have strabismus (crossed eye), her records indicate hydrocephaly, but she certainly seems to be doing fine and not showing any signs of cognitive difficulty from that. She also has hypoplasia of her right kidney.
From her medical records: The girl had spinal hernia like little Alexei who was adopted recently from Antoshka, the hernia was successfully operated, that is why the girl can walk now. As the result of that hernia the girl has incontinence of urine. Hydrocephaly. She has shunt in the brain which should be there for few more years. She is very kind and loving and has lots of friends. ”
Berkeley has SO much potential, and will do so well in a loving family environment!