Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Yippee Jesus!

In the words of Linny over at A Place Called Simplicity: "Yippee Jesus!!"

Thank you Lord for loving these kids! You have not forgotten them! I know You will raise up families for these precious little ones! All glory and honor to You!

I am humbled and amazed at what God has done and is still doing with this fundraiser. All I did was give Him an iPad for His birthday. He did the rest. I am praying He will handpick who gets to be the steward of His iPad. :0) All of you who donated have given Him a birthday/Christmas present as well.

 Matthew 25:40 "The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

I am so very thankful for each and every donation no matter how small!! It all adds up (as you can see)! A BIG "Thank you" to every one of you who donated! Thank you to everyone who spread the word about this fundraiser! A special thank you to Linny from A Place Called Simplicity for dedicating an entire post to our fundraiser; to Adeye from No Greater Joy Mom for putting our fundraiser information on her fundraising families page (top of the list at that!); and last but certainly not least, to my good friend Kristin from Kristin Creative who dedicated, not one, not two, but three entire blog posts to this fundraiser!

There is still a little time left to donate! Every cent of your donation goes directly to Reece's Rainbow and is tax deductible. All of it will be placed in 1 of 3 Older Child Adoption Grants to help pay the ransom for these children so they can live in a family of their very own and never have to be tied to a crib, neglected and/or abused. Every child deserves to grow up in a family. These children with special needs are no different. There are no shortage of families willing to adopt special needs children, sadly there is almost always a lack of funds to do so. These adoption grants help families bring home their older special needs children! God bless you for caring about these little ones, the "least of these".


  1. Holly ~ I am over the moon excited!! Yippee Jesus is right!!

    I sent you an email at both your email addresses {one you sent me your email from and the one listed on the sidebar}...it does have an attachment, so should you not get it, please let me know...we wanted to be included in the fundraiser!!

    Praying that God will bless this exponentially and then provide forever families for these precious treasures!! xo

  2. I've been watching for awhile. How amazing to watch the numbers go up and up and up. Thank you, Jesus!
